1st XV
Sat 01 Nov 2014  ·  Greene King IPA Eastern Counties 1
Southwold Rugby Club
1st XV


Anthony Bohncke3 Nov 2014 - 07:10
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Wold dominate against close rivals

Its is quite simple. Seven games, seven wins, five bonus points gained, which means Southwold have amassed 33 points with a perfect win record and now sit four points clear of Ely at the top of Eastern Counties League One

Wold's emphatic victory which smashed Wymondham's previously unbeaten home record was achieved by scoring six trys to Wymondam's one in a game that Wold simply controlled from start to finish with a great display of possession rugby coupled with a rock solid defence that was only broken once in the entire game, and to which Wymondham really had no answer

Wold's first try came inside ten minutes when Rob Owles accurate kick was caught and carried into touch by Wymondhams winger and from the resulting lineout which Wold won the eight man drive over the line which followed ended in an easy try for Johnny Stevenson in the back row and a five point lead

Chippy Middleditch may not have had his kicking boots on but his quickly taken tap penalty made ten metres un answered and he fed the ball out to the right which ended in Richie Thickett on the wing scoring Wold's second in the corner to double Wold's lead

Wold's third try in the first quarter of the game came simply from a set scrum and Wold's big shove pushed Wymondham back over their own line for Duncan Hume at No 8 to drop on the ball after some nifty control with his feet
Another near miss with the conversion from Middleditch, meant that after a successful penalty kick for Wymondham for Wold holding on to the ball too long the score was 3 - 15 to Wold at half time

Wold were on fire straight from the restart and after some great handling and several strong forward drives Josh Crick came within a metre of scoring Wolds fourth within a minute but Wymondham just held on
Ten further minutes of Wold pressure in Wymondam's 22 ended in a missed touch kick which Ben Haddingham gathered and from his side stepping run he fed the ball to Rob Owles who broke a tackle and fed the ball to Josh crick to dive over in the corner but once more the conversion was narrowly missed by Chippy Middleditch to sympathetic groans from the travelling Wold supporters making it 3 - 20 to Wold

Just as in the first half however Chippy Middleditch took another quick tap penalty on 55 minutes and his one pass out to Josh Crick on the touchline left quite a bit for Josh to do but he ran, crawled, squirmed and finally stretched over the line for Wold's fifth with half the Wymondham team asleep to stretch the lead to 22 points but again the conversion went just wide

With just over a quarter of an hour left, and totally against the run of play Wymondham scored probably the best try of the day when Wold won a scrappy lineout and Johnny Stevenson got isolated at the back of the line trying to tidy up, eventually lost the ball and Wymondham broke at speed from their own half working the ball with pass after pass out to the left and despite some desperate Wold tackling they scored a great try in the corner but too far out for the conversion to be successful but reducing the lead to 17 points.

Wymondham were then pretty much pinned down in their own 22 fro the rest of the game and it looked like they would hold on to the scoreline until just before the final whistle Tim O'Connell who was having a great game broke from the back of a maul and made good ground before slipping the ball inside to Johnny Stevenson to charge through and dive in under the posts for Wold's sixth

The biggest cheer of the day, came as the final whistle blew, when Chippy Middleditch got his one and only conversion to make the final score 8 - 32 in Wold's favour for a well deserved win away from home.

Mention has to be made of the two tries each for Johnny Stevenson and Josh Crick but the man of the match goes to Phil Pymer after he came on as sub early in the second half and gave a great display of back row play way above his Colt years. What a future prospect.

Next week sees no game for Wold but their next fixture is against third placed Ipswich YM on the Common on November 15th which should be a cracker

MOM Phil Pymer

'Arn the Wold !!!!

Match details

Match date

Sat 01 Nov 2014




Greene King IPA Eastern Counties 1
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Club Supporter - Adnams
Seniors and Colts Sponsor - Micropress
Youth Sponsor - Durrants